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Stellenangebot USIS Berlin


Liebe Liste,

folgendes Stellenangebot sende ich gerne entsprechend weiter.


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

fuer eine Veroeffentlichung des folgenden Stellenangebots auf Ihrer
Diskussionsliste FORUMOEB waeren wir sehr dankbar.  Zusaetzlich
wuerden wir eine Weiterverbreitung in anderen geeigneten Listen,
Internetseiten oder schwarzen Brettern begruessen.

Mit freundlichem Gruss,

Ute Strack
Technical Services Specialist
United States Information Service (USIS)
American Embassy Berlin, Germany
Tel (+ 49) - 30 - 31107 - 412
Fax (+ 49) - 30 - 31107 - 415
e-mail: ustbera _at__ usia.gov


The United States Information Service (USIS) has an immediate opening
for a


at the USIS Information Resource Center, Amerika Haus Berlin

The Technical Services Section of the Information Resource Center
(IRC) in Berlin services the countrywide USIS IRC system of 6 Branch
Posts and 10 German-American cultural institutions.  The Section
develops annotated bibliographies; facilitates, coordinates and
performs centralized selection, acquisition, electronic cataloging,
classification and distribution of library materials; and prepares the
annual centralized union list of serial publication holdings in all 16
libraries supported by the IRC system.  Materials include books,
journals, journal articles,  reference materials, microforms, CDROMS,
contracts for database research  access, software updates, computer
hardware, and general supplies and equipment.  

Under the general supervision of the Senior Technical Services 
Specialist, the incumbent of this position manages the system's 
periodicals program, including acquisitions and distribution of all
periodical information resources in all formats.  Is responsible for
the  centralized acquisition of serial publications, and functions as
the primary coordinator for and monitors acquisitions of journal
articles through electronic document delivery systems.  Provides
back-up and assistance to the Senior Technical Services Specialist.

The successful candidate will have a Diploma in Library Science
(minimum  requirement);  prior library experience, preferably with
specialization in technical services; working knowledge of U.S.
library theory and practices; ability to master highly complex
technical software applications and online transfer of information;
ability to perform cataloging and process acquistions using electronic
resources and systems.   English and German fluency required.  

Written applications in English from qualified candidates will be
accepted until August 10, 1998.  Please address applications to:
Michael  K"hler, Amerika Haus, Hardenbergstr. 22-24, 10623 Berlin

Viele Gruesse aus Koeln (Sonne :-))

Ricarda Hering

Listeninformationen unter http://www.inetbib.de.