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Vacancy: European project

Liebe KollegInnen,
die nachfolgende Ausschreibung gebe ich gerne an Sie weiter:

  Department of Social Science Informatics

  VACANCY: POST-DOCTORAL FELLOW  (30 hours per week)

The research project 'Self-organization of the European Information
Society' is funded under the EU-program for Targeted Socio-Economic
Research, TSER.  The project studies the developments of science,
technology and innovation networks from the perspective of non-linear
dynamics, and at regional, national, and European levels. The research
consortium consists of universities from six countries:  Germany, Greece,
Italy, The Netherlands, Switzerland, UK. At the University of Amsterdam
we have a vacancy for a post-doctoral fellow in this project. We are
looking for a researcher with good knowledge of theories of scientific and
technological development in the context of economic structural change. 
Candidates need to have experience with quantitative data-analysis, and
some knowledge of new evolutionary theorizing. 

The duration of the project is until 1 December 1999. Salary depends on
experience and education. (between 4711 and 7250 Dutch guilders per month  
for a full time position). 

Information can be obtained from:
Dr Peter van den Besselaar,
phone + 31-20-5256795 (office) +31-20-4650014 (home) 
email: peter _at__ swi.psy.uva.nl. 

An (electronic) project description is available on request. 

Send your application, with a curriculum and list of publications, before
February 14, to 
	University of Amsterdam
	Faculty of Psychology,  P&O
        Roetersstraat 15, NL- 1018 WB Amsterdam. 
	The Netherlands

Indicate on the envelope: 'vacancy 22030/V' and 'strictly confidential'

> Dr. Raymund Werle, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Gesellschaftsforschung
> Lothringer Str. 78, D-50677 Koeln (Cologne), Germany
> Phone ++ 49 (0)221 3360525  Fax ++ 49 (0)221 3360555
> E-mail: werle _at__ mpi-fg-koeln.mpg.de
> MPI home page: http://www.mpi-fg-koeln.mpg.de

> Project on research and education networks (Internet Project):
> http://www.mpi-fg-koeln.mpg.de/~kv/internet.htm

Heinz Marloth, Seehofstrasse  15, D-60594 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Telefon: 069 - 61 23 94       eMail: marloth _at__ t-online.de

Listeninformationen unter http://www.inetbib.de.