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International Journal on Digital Libraries

Tja, da hadert man mit sich selbst. 
Wenn jemand etwas dagegen hat, dass ich Mails dieser Art zukuenftig 
an die Liste weiterleite, dann bitte Beschwerde per privater 
Mail (!!!) an mich.

Gruesse (blauer Himmel, relativ warm, warum sitze ich hier? ;-) ),
Michael Schaarwaechter

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------

Sehr geehrter Herr Schaarwaechter,

der Springer-Verlag bringt demnaechst eine neue Zeitschrift heraus, die fuer die 
Abonnenten von INETBIB sicher interessant ist (als Leser und als Autoren): das 
"International Journal on Digital Libraries". Eine kurze Beschreibung ist 

Wir wuerden uns freuen, wenn Sie diese Zeitschrift auf Ihrer Liste ankuendigen 
koennten. Die Grenze zwischen sachlicher Information und Werbung ist ja nicht 
immer leicht zu ziehen, aber in diesem Fall fuehlen sich Ihre Leser sicher nicht 

Vielen Dank und freundliche Gruesse

Kornelia Junge
junge _at__ springer.de

New Journal: International Journal on Digital Libraries

Nabil R. Adam                   Yelena Yesha
Rutgers University CIMIC        UMBC/NASA CESDIS
Newark, NJ 07102                Baltimore, MD 21228
adam _at__ adam.rutgers.edu           yeyesha _at__ cs.umbc.edu
(201) 648-5239                  (410) 455-3542
The aim of the journal is to advance the theory and practice of acquisition, 
definition, organization, management and dissemination of digital information 
via global networking. In particular, the journal will emphasize technical 
issues in digital information, production, management and use, issue in 
high-speed networks and connectivity, inter-operability, and seamless 
integration of information, people, profiles, tasks and needs, security and 
privacy of individuals and business transactions and effective business 
processes in the Information Age. The journal seeks high quality research 
papers that present original theoretical results, algorithms, or approaches, as 
well as empirical and experimental studies related to the following areas: 

* Agent technology for information filtering; location and dissemination; 
targeted information delivery systems; personal information delivery and 
filtering; discovery of new information and sources of new information. 
* Acquisition of digital information; authoring environments for digital 
objects; digitization of traditional content. 
* Security and privacy, digital timestamping, digital signatures, digital 
watermarks, notarization and authentication systems. 
* Information organization, storage and management, archival of information, 
subscription management and issues in recency of information. 
* Interoperability of different digital objects, multimodal presentations, 
cross-platform interoperability. 
* Information navigation, intelligent surfing and browsing, automatic browsing 
index creation, resource discovery, through opinion indexing, search by 
content, semantic searching, smart indexing and search technology. 
* User interface for digital objects, design of user interfaces for universal 
access, multimedia user interfaces, interface for handicapped users, adaptive 
user interfaces. 
* Electronic commerce, virtual banking, electronic financial transactions. 
* Economics of Digital Libraries, intellectual property issues, billing 
systems, universal access and tariffs. 

Instructions for authors are available from: 

For subscription info and sample copies contact
Springer-Verlag; Heidelberger Platz 3; D-14197 Berlin, Germany; 
subscriptions _at__ springer.de

Kornelia Junge                                         Phone:  +49 30 82787 321
Marketing Manager Journals                             Fax:    +49 30 82787 334
Springer-Verlag                                        e-mail: junge _at__ springer.de                       
Heidelberger Platz 3
D-14197 Berlin

                 Michael.Schaarwaechter _at__ ub.uni-dortmund.de
                 Uni Dortmund, Library
                 Vogelpothsweg 76, D-44227 Dortmund

Listeninformationen unter http://www.inetbib.de.