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(Fwd) Projects and Proposals

Folgende Mail stammt aus der Malinglist zu PubliCA und enthaelt die
derzeit bekannten Projektvorschlaege unter Beteiligung Oeffentlicher
Bibliotheken aus den EU-Staaten für den laufenden _Call for
proposals_ des Programms_Telematics for Libraries_.

Klaus Peter Hommes
Stadtbuechereien Duesseldorf
-Projekt Verbundkatalogisierung-
hommes _at__ hbz-nrw.de

Date sent:        Tue, 04 Mar 1997 09:40:38 -0800
From:             Tricia Steel <tsteel _at__ library.croydon.gov.uk>
Send reply to:    tsteel _at__ library.croydon.gov.uk
Organization:     Croydon Central Library
To:               publica _at__ library.croydon.gov.uk
Subject:          Projects and Proposals

--- Projects and Proposals
--- * Public Libraries & Internet * Project EARL (UK) * Multimedia
Technologies for an information-rich society * HERCULE(heritage &
culture information for young people) * Database of International
Children's &Youth Literature * WATCH (writers & copyright holders) *
Genius Loci (integrated access to multiple cultural databases *
Digital Public Library * Virtual Librarian * Telematics for Public
Libraries in Remote Areas * EMMI (user friendly access to existing
databases) * OSAS (one screen all services) * SAX (multilingual
interlibrary loan) * QUALIT (quick access to literature information) *
Digitizing Pictures * Educational Multimedia * TASRA - telematics in
remote rural areas
--- (Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Belgium) Public Libraries/Internet-project *
Contact:UK : Peter Smith (LASER/EARL) * Chris Batt (Croydon) Email
lbcbatt _at__ croydon.gov.uk * BELGIUM : Geert Roelandts (Ministry of the
Flemish Community) * Jan Van Vaerenbergh (Louvain) Email
jan.va.vaerenbergh _at__ pophost.eunet.be * PORTUGAL : Manuel Brandao *
DENMARK : Ulla Hoejsgaard
-- EARL (UK) The UK national public libraries internet initiative.
EARL is a consortium which provides a framework for partnership, and
aims to improve networked information services, internet access,
resource sharing and collaboration between public libraries in the UK.
The consortium has established 17 task groups which are partner based
initiatives, exploring technical, subject and policy issues relating
to internet services and access.
--- The heart of an information-rich community (gemeenschappelijke
openbare bibliotheek Eindhoven, The Netherlands) Contact: Jos Geevers
Tel: +31 40 24 46 715 Fax: + 31 40 24 61 225 Philips Corporate Design,
together with Philips Media, was commissioned by Philips Nderland to
co-operate with the City of Eindhoven and Eindhoven's Public Library
to investigate possible improvements to the services offered by the
public library that would be enabled by the introduction of
'multimedia technologies',Intranet, Infowall and Info tables. Within
this project we approached the library as one system consisting of
multiple functionality. That is, the library was evaluated by
designers, library employees, and library users as one product. This
'one system' approach was essential to the integration, consistency,
and functionality of the library tools. Tomorrow's public library
system will provide the frame work for an information-rich society
where individuals are independent of the cost and accessibility of
newly developed information and communication technology. It will
expand its traditional function as the social centre of information by
providing the public with a easily accessible route to the rapidly
evolving world of electronic information.
--- HERCULE Contact: David Potts, Central Library Lichfield St.
Email:dpotts _at__ walslib.demon.co.uk and Walsall's Quest Business
technology Centre, UK. (HERitage and CULture through Libraries in
Europe) will bring together the joint expertise of librarians,
teachers, business people and arts workers in constructing a gateway
to internet for young people in European libraries. HERCULE will
develop the potential of young European citizens as information
consumers and producers in the information society, creating a
framework that will : * provide a valuable study source and library
site for schoolchildren outside of school hours * expand the IT skills
of schoolchildren through increased availability of internet access in
the libraries * ease access to the WWW by providing a simplified
gateway * increase library usage, particularly by young people *
integrate new and traditional library services * provide a medium for
cultural exchange within Europe * explore the industrial heritage of
European Communities * increase access to library collections *
support school curricula
--- Database of International Children's and Youth Literature Contact:
Ms Marianne Reetz International Youth Library Munich/Germany Email
bib _at__ ijb.de * Development of a European database of international
children's and youth literature to be made publicly accessible via
internet * Implementation of an international network of contributing
institutions * Improvement of information quality beyond national
boundaries * Encouragement of international information exchange and
use by experts and other interested persons and institution
--- WATCH Contact: David Sutton, University of Reading Library, UK
Email: D.C.Sutton _at__ reading.ac.uk WATCH(Writers and their Copyright
Holders) will create a Europe-wide multi-language database of
copyright holders.
--- Genius Loci : Spirit of the Place. Integrated Access to Multiple
Cultural Databases Contact: Andrew Coggins Oxfordshire County Council,
UK Email: oxford.euro _at__ dial.pipex.com This aims to link vast range of
materials held in the diverse and scattered collections via new
software and terminals, providing a single point of access for the
--- The Digital Public Library Contact: University of Zaragoza and
Javier Brun The Municipality of Huesca Spain Email jbrun _at__ svt.es *
Design and implementation of an Digital Public Library, and an
Information and Multimedia resource Centre * Creation of a citizen's
network made up of information centres located in public buildings
such as in schools, and provision and selection of contents of
interest for this network * Training and assistance to the different
segments of population in the use of the new communications
technologies at the various levels, either professionally or as an
entertainment, and in their creative application to the arts
--- VIRTUAL LIBRARIAN Contact: Helsinki City Library, Finland Email
vkv _at__ lib.hel.fi To produce 'an icon type' application used with the
sites in library internet services. When one uses the icon from any
'library site', VL gives help or information concerning that site.
Also the user's 'home library' information can be prioritized for
local needs. The application is based on a Knowledge Database (KDB)
which is hierarchically formed any easy to maintain. Only the top
hierarchy (three levels) is fixed and any user group can develop their
own branch hierarchy downwards and horizontally.
--- Telematics for Public Libraries in Remote Areas Contact: Jane
Connon Fowler, Argyll and Bute Council (Scotland) Tel:+44 1700 503331
Fax +44 1700 505758 To develop a telematics system for Public
Libraries in remote, rural areas which will provide an internally
networked library system and co-ordinate with existing distance
learning and educational facilities.
--- EMMI Contact: Clair Drever, Berkshire Library and Information
Service, UK Email clair.drever _at__ berkshire.gov.uk User friendly access
to existing databases. Aims and objectives : * To raise profile of
library as information clearing house with both decision makers and
specific sectors of the community * To provide a user friendly
information tool at minimum inconvenience to public staff * To provide
a common interface to existing databases What does EMMI do : * It does
not matter what programme the database uses - information only has to
be entered once * Minimal HTML (internet language) knowledge is needed
by library staff, as there will be a proformat * Provides a common
interface across Europe
--- OSAS (One Screen All Services) Contact: Ian Milton, Surrey County
Council, UK Email ianm _at__ surreycc.gov.uk Development of an
intranet/internet browser software package that is adapted to the
needs of libraries and their users.
--- SAX-System Milano, Italy Contact Daniela Barbera Tel: +39 2 289
3598 Fax: +39 2 284 1462 Development and application of an
interlibraries, multilingual loan system accessed by internet.
--- QUALIT (Quick Access to LITerature information) Contact: Bruno
Sperl University Library Graz, Austria Email:
bruno.sperl _at__ KEUNIGRAF.AC.AT Development of a network connecting small
libraries with vendors of central services. Connection of access to
commercial databases of booksellers and library catalogues.
--- DESCRIPTIO LAPPONIAE Lapland Contact Heli Saarinen Email:
Heli.Saarinen _at__ rovaniemi.fi Culture in pictures. Digitalization of the
pictures, test pictures on the internet, develop standards for storing
pictures, develop the retrieval system of the database and evaluate
the use of the picture collections from the point of views of the
library users. This is part of the BERENICE project - details on
-------- Multimedia in Education Contact: Dr Anastasios A.Economides
The University of Macedonia at Thessaloniki, Greece Email:
economid _at__ macedonia.uom.gr Interested in participating as a partner in
a proposal for educational multimedia and/or telematics programmes.
---------------------------------------- TASRRA TELEMATICS
Eva Haefele MTS GesmbH Vorderglemm 158 A-5751 Maishofen Tel:
+43-6542-80480-16 Fax: +43-6542-804804 e-mail:
evamaria.haefele _at__ mts.telecom.at Situated at the base of the highest
Austrian mountain in a remote valley, the village Kals can be
considered a peripheral community with a 60% rate of commuters and
depending mainly on tourism and agriculture for revenues. Type of
partner sought: Another remote region and also reseach institutes.
Companies in this countries providing teleservices are welcome, too.
Project Goals: The major goal of the project is to link the village
and the inhabitants - mainly women with children, eldery people and
the farmes - via networks to more central regional economies. The
installation of an integrated set of telematics applications should
forster and strenghten economic cooperation and provide work and
services for the local institutions and inhabitants. =B7 to boost
interregional business activities and improved regional government for
the local population =B7 to supply easy accessible educational and
consultancy services =B7 to provision of new jobs for women and local
commuters =B7 to create a real-time and real-life modell for telematic
applications = in a rural community =B7 to facilitate a top level
sustainable tourism product for free lancers= and scientists combining
work e.g. research, free-lance jobs with a holiday in a healthy
environment =B7 to establish an innovative combination of high quality
tourism with a = scientific and application oriented yearly symposium
for international corporations and researchers. The topics would cover
all facets of telematic applications and their social and economic
impacts on peripheral regions Expected impact: =B7 to lower the rate
of commuters and to provide qualified jobs =B7 to provide a network
based infrastructure for SMEs and free lancer and to support their
marketing activities =B7 to provide assistance to the local economy
(tourism, agriculture, trad= e) using integrated telematic
applications =B7 to promote the use of telematic technologies for the
population for pu= blic and business services =B7 to create a superior
and sustainable tourism product =B7 to enhance the dialogue between
the local population, the scientific c= ommunity and national and
international corporations =B7 to link up with other regional European
initiatives =B7 provide a validation site for telematic based
productions and services= =B7 to establish qualification programmes
for the regional population in o= rder to strenghten competitiveness
=B7 to provide know-how to set up comparable strategies for similar
areas It is planned in the long term to extend the projekt to the
whole region of Eastern Tyrol and to include neighbouring regions in
Italy and Austria. We are looking for partners to form a consortium to
put in a proposal for the fourth call for telematics applications or
for IADS4. A further application is planned for the up-coming TEN call
for proposals. Q ualifications for partners: =B7 remote rural region
=B7 research institute or university involved in telematics
applications research =B7 corporation/service provider in a remote
region =B7 company providing teleworking and other telematics based
services End of List

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