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Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
die Universitaetsbibliothek Mainz gibt naturwissenschaftliche
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Bei Interesse melden Sie sich bitte bis spaetestens Mitte November 2002.

Mit freundlichen Gruessen
N. Schott
Universitaetsbibliothek Mainz
Bereichsbibliothek Physik, Mathematik, Chemie (PMC)
Tel.: 06131 / 39 22457 (vormittags)
        06131 / 39 20453 (nachmittags)
Fax: 06131 / 39 20967
E-Mail: schott _at__ ub.uni-mainz.de


Acta materialia
Vol. 46, H. 1-3. 1997/98

Adsorption science & technology                          Vol. 13, H.
2,4,5, 1996

Vol. 16, H. 5,10, 1998

American journal of physics                                  Vol. 26, H.
6, 1958

Vol. 63, H. 11,12. 1995

Vol. 64, H. 1-5, 7-9. 1996

Cumulated index Vols 41-50


Angewandte Chemie                                             Bd 96, H.
1-3, 5-12. 1984

Bd 98, H. 1-5, 7-12. 1986

Bd 100, H. 1-9, 11,12,1988

Bd 101, H. 1-5, 1989

Angewandte makromolekulare Chemie                  Bd 146-148, 1975

Annalen der Physik                                                8.
Ser., Bd 2, H. 1, 1993

Annales de la Foundation Louis de Broglie

Vol. 21, H. 1,3,4, 1996

Vol. 22, H. 1-3. 1997

Vol. 23, H. 1-4. 1998

Annali di chimica                                                   Vol.
79, H. 3-4. 1989

Applied physics letters                                           Vol.
51, H. 2,3, 1987

Vol. 67, H. 2,4, 1993

Vol. 69, H. 13, 1996

Vol. 73, H. 14, 1998

Astroparticle physics                                             Vol.
1, H. 2,4, 1993

Astrophysical journal                                             Vol.
533, P.2, 1.2

Atmospheric environment                                      Vol., 29,
1995 (Index)

Vol. 30, H. 1, 1996

Atomkernenergie                                                   Jg 14.
H.1-6. 1969

Beam line
Vol. 25, H. 1-4, 1995

Vol. 27, 2,4, 1997

Vol. 28, H. 1-3, 1998

Vol. 29, H. 1,3, 1999

Vol. 30, H. 1, 2000

Behring Institute/ Mitteilungen                              H. 83,
1988-91, 1992

Bild der Wissenschaft                                            Bd. 1,
H.-1-4, 1964

Bd. 3, H. 1-11, 1966

Bd. 4, H. 3,4,6-12, 1967

Bd. 5, H. 1-9, 11-12. 1968

Bd. 6, H. 1, 5-12, 1969

Biomembranes                                                      Vol.
448, H. 2,3, 1976

Chaos: Interdisciplinary journal of                         Vol. 7, H.
4, 1997
nonlinear science                                                   Vol.
8, H. 3, 1998

Chemie in unserer Zeit                                           Bd 6,
H. 2-5, 1972

Bd 9, H. 1-5. 1975

Chemistry in Britain                                              Vol.
12, H. 1-4. 1996

Comments on astrophysics and space physics        Vol. 1, H. 1, 1969

Comments on atomic and molecular physics          Vol.1, H. 1,  1999
(Comments on modern physics/D)

Comments on modern physics                               Vol.1, 1-3,5-6,

Comments on nuclear particle physics                   Vol. 1, H. 1-4,

Comments on Plasma physics and controlled fusion Vol. 1,  H. 1, 1999
(Comments on modern physics/C)

Comptes rendus de l?Academie des sciences.         T. 318, Suppl. Au Nr.
12, 1994
Ser. II,  fascicule a

T. 321, H. 1-5. 1995

Comptes rendus de l?Academie des sciences/4:      Vol. 1, H. 2, 2000
Physique, Astrophysique

Comptes rendus hebdomadaires, Ser. II, fas. B      T. 322, Suppl. au
Nr. 12 (Register)

T. 328, H. 1-4, 19...

Computer physics communications                       Vol. 127, H. 1,

Condensed matter news                                        Vol. 1, H.
6-8. 1992

Vol. 2, H. 1-4. 1993

Vol. 3, H. 3,4,6 1994

Vol. 4, H. 1,2,5,6, 1995

Current opinion in colloid & interface science        Vol. 1, H. 3, 1996

Deutsche Bunsen-Gesellschaft für Physikalische     1997

Electrochimica acta                                                Vol.
28, H. 1-5, 1983

Elektrisches Nachrichtenwesen                               4. Quartal

H. 24, 1995

H. 6-8, 1996

ESRF (= European synchrotron radiation               Nr. 26.27. 1996
Facility) Newsletter                                                Nr.
29. 1997

European physical journal: Applied physics            Vol. 2, H. 2, 1998

European physical journal/E                                   Vol. 1, H.
1-3, 2000

Europhysics letters                                                 Vol.
5, H. 8, 1988

Vol. 6, H. 8, 1988

Vol. 7, H. 1,3,4,8. 1988

Vol. 26, H. 6, 1994

Vol. 28, H. 5, 1994

Vol. 66, H. 1-4. 1996

Vol. 67, H. 1. 1996

Fields and quanta                                                   Vol.
1, H. 4, 1971

Foundations of physics                                           Vol.
18, H. 12, 1988

Gas aktuell
H. 1.1971-5.1973

H. 7.1974-34. 1988

Glas- und Vakuumtechnik                                      Jg. 1, H.
5, 1951

Jg 2, H. 9, 1953

Hyperfine interactions                                           Vol.
30, H. 1-3, 1986

Vol. 39, H. 1, 1988

Vol. 52, H. 2,3. 1989

Vol. 62, H. 3,4. 1990

Vol. 73, H. 3,4. 1992

ICR Annual report, Kyoto University Institute        4. 1997
For Chemical research

IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications Vol. 8, H. 7, 1990

IEEE transactions on education                              Vol. 33, H.
1, 1990

IEEE transactions on nuclear science                      Vol. 43, H. 1,

Industrie chimiques belge                                        Vol.
23, H. 1-4, 1958

International journal of high speed computing          Vol. 1, H. 4,

International journal of modern physics/A                Vol. 1, H.
1,3,4,7-12. 1986

Vol. 2, H. 3,5,6,11. 1987

Vol. 3, H.3,8,12. 1988

Vol. 4, H. 17-20. 1989

Vol. 5, H. 7. 1990

Vol. 6, H. 4,7,8. 1991

Vol. 7, H. 32,39. 1992

Vol. 8, H. 22-27. 1994

Vol. 13, H. 16, 1998

International journal of modern physics/B                Vol. 11, H.
24,29,30. 1997

Vol. 13, H. 7,8, 1999

International journal of modern physics/C                 Vol. 5, H. 4,

Vol. 6, H. 1. 1995

International journal of modern physics/E                 Vol. 1, H.1,2.

Vol. 4, H. 1,3. 1994

International journal of optoelectronics                     Vol. 9, H.
3, 194

International journal of theoretical physics                 Vol. 1, H.
1, 1968

International Union of pure and applied                     Nr. 22.
1964-26. 1966
Chemistry/Information Bulletin

Vol. 61, H. 5, 1995

Vol. 62, H. 4, 1995

Vol. 63, H. 3, 1996

Journal of applied physics
Vol. 68, H. 2, 1990

Vol. 75, H. 11, 1994

Journal of applied polymer science                              Vol. 35,
H.1, 1988

Journal of chemical physics                                         Vol.
100, H. 1,7, 1994

Vol. 101, H. 3, 1994

Vol. 102, H. 1-20, 22,23, 1995

Vol. 104, H. 6-9,17,19,21,23, 1996

Vol. 105, H. 20, 1996

Vol. 106, H. 3,4, 1997

Vol. 107, H. 15,16, 1997

Journal of computational physics                                 Vol.
54, H.-1-4, 1983

Vol. 55, H. 2, 1984

Journal of computer-aided materials design                 Vol. 5, H. 1,

Journal of educational research                                   Vol.
87, H. 3-6. 1994

Vol 88, H. 3, 1995

Journal of electroanalytical chemistry                          Vol. 1,
H. 1, 1959

Journal of experimental and theoretical physics           Vol. 80, H. 6,

Journal of geometry and physics                                 Vol. 18,
H. 1, 1996

Journal of mathematical physics                                  Vol. 8,
H. 9, 1967

Vol. 10, H. 5, 1969

Vol. 13, H. 2, 1972

Vol. 23, H. 7, 1982

Journal of molecular structure                                    Vol.
18, H. 1, 1973

Journal of neutron research                                        Vol.
1, H. 1,3,4. 1993

Vol. 2, H. 1-4, 1994

Vol. 3, H. 1, 1995

Journal of physics: Condensed matter                          Vol. 3, H.
40, 1991

Vol. 7, H. 34, 1995

Journal of physics/A
Vol. 28, H. 2, 1995

Journal of physics/B
Vol. 28, H. 17, 1995

Vol. 30, H. 23, 1997

Journal of physics/D
Vol. 24, H. 2,4-9,11,12, 1991

Vol. 28, H. 9, 1995

Journal of physics/G
Vol. 21, Suppl. 12, 1995

Journal of physics and chemistry of solids                    Vol. 48,
H. 12, 1987

Vol. 53, H. 1, 1992

Journal of polymer science/A: Polymer                        Vol. 25, H.
5-11, 1987
Chemistry edition

Journal of polymer science/B                                      Vol.
33, H. 2, 1995

Journal of solid state electrochemistry                         Vol. 2,
H. 5, 1998

Journal of statistical physics
Vol. 65, H. 3/4. 1991

Vol. 90, H. 5/6, 1998

Journal of superconductivity                                       Vol.
1, H. 1, 1988

Journal of the Acoustical Society                                 Vol.
102, H. 2, T.1.2.,1997
of America

Journal of the Korean physical Society                        Vol. 31,
H. 6, 1996

Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand            Vol. 67, H.4,

Journal of the Optical Society of America/A                Vol. 12, H.
1-7. 2000

Journal of the Optical Society of America/B                Vol. 5, H.
1-11, 1988

Vol. 6, H. 1-4. 1989

Vol. 7, H. 1-5,7-12, 1990

Journal of theoretical probability                                  Vol.
1, H. 1, 1988

Kobunshi ronbunshu (=Japanese polymer                     Vol. 37, H.
11, 1980
Science and technology)

Jg 27, H. 3,9-12. 1982

Jg 28, H. 1-3, 6-8, 11/12. 1983

Jg 29, H. 3,4. 1983

Macromolecular theory and simulations                        Vol. 7, H.
3, 1998

Vol. 9, H.1-7, 2000

Microwave journal
Vol. 12, H. 1, 1969

Mitteilungen für Wissenschaft und Technik                  Bd 10, H. 8,

Mitteilungsblatt Chemische Gesellschaft in der             Jg 12, H.
1-11, 1965
Deutschen Demokratischen Republik                           Jg 13, H.
1-5, 7-9, 1966

Jg 14, H. 1-5, 1967

Molecular engineering
Vol. 1, H. 4, 1992

Vol. 2, H. 1,2,4, 1992

Vol. 4, H. 1-3, 1994

Molecular physics
Vol. 94, H. 5, 1998

Molecular simulation
Vol. 12, H. 1, 1994

Vol. 22, H. 2,3, 1999

Monte Carlo methods and applications                        Vol.2, H.
3,4. 1996

Nature, New biology
Vol. 245, Nr. 147, 1973

Vol. 246, Nr. 155, 1973

Nature, Physical sciences
Vol. 245, H. 147-148, 1973

Vol. 246, H. 149-155, 1973

Bd 66, H. 5, 1979

news                                                               Vol.
2, H.1, 1991

Vol. 3, H. 2,4, 1992

Vol. 4, H. 1,2,4, 1993

Vol. 5, H.-1-4, 1994

Vol. 6, H. 1-3, 1995

Vol. 7, H. 1-4, 1996

Vol. 8, H. 1-4, 1997

Vol. 9, H. 1-4, 1998

Vol. 10, H. 1-4, 1999

News from ICTP (= International Centre for                 77, 1994
Physics                                                       78, 1994

83, 1998 winter

84, 1998 spring

85, 1998, summer

87, 1999, winter

88, 1999, spring

90, 1999, autumn

91, 2000, winter

92, 2000, spring

Vol. 8, H. 2, 1995

Nuclear instruments & methods in                                 Vo.
193, H. 3, 1982
Physics research

Nuclear instruments & methods in                                 Vol.
367, H. 1-3, 1995
research/A                                                         Vol.
369, H. 2,3. 1996

Nuclear instruments & methods in
Vol.108, H. 1,2, 1996
Master indices:

Vols 21-30; 31-41; 42-50;

Vols 51-60; 61-70; 71-81;

Vols. 82-90; 91-100; 101-110

Vols 111-120.

physics/A                                                         Vol.
530, H. 1, 1991

Vol. 535, H. 1, 1991

Vol. 536, H. 3,4, 1992

Vol. 539, H. 1, 1992

Vol. 545, H. 1,2. 1992

Vol. 548, H. 4, 192

Vol. 580, H. 2, 1994

Vol. 581, H. 2, 1995

Vol. 596, H. 1,2. 1996

Vol. 597, H. 2-4, 1996

Vol. 598, H. 1,2,4. 1996

physics/B                                                         Vol.
380, H. 1,2. 1992

Vol. 386, H. 2. 1992

Vol. 387, H. 1, 1992

Vol. 421, H. 1, 1994

Vol. 441, H.3 (FS). 1995

Vol. 443, H. 1,2 1995

Vol. 458, H.1,2. 1996

Vol. 460, H. 1-3, 1996

Nuclear physics news
Vol. 1, H. 1,3,5,6, 1990

Optical and acoustical review
Vol. 1, H. 1. 1990

engineering                                                       Vol.
32, H. 11,12, 1993

Vol. 39, H. 1-10, 2000

Optics and spectroscopy
Vol: 79, H. 1,2. 1995

Optics communications
Vol. 87, H. 1-3, 1992

world                                                              Vol.
1, H. 5, 1990

Vol. 3, H. 2. 1992

Vol. 35, H. 1, 1991

Philips journal of research
Vol. 17, H. 1,2,4-6.1962

Philips technische Rundschau                                       Vol.
17, H. 7,9-11, 22. 1956

Vol. 18, H. 1,3-6,8,12. 1956/57

Vol. 20, H. 1,2,7,9,10,12. 1958/59

Vol. 21, H.2,8/9,11,12. 1959/60

Vol. 22, H. 1,2,4,9/10,12. 1961/62

Vol. 23, H., 12. 1961/62

Vol. 24, H. 1-3,6,8-12. 1962/63

Vol. 25, H. 2-6, 8-11. 1963/64

Vol. 29, H.11/12. 1968

Philosophical magazine/A
Vol. 39, H. 5, 1979

Vol. 42, H. 1,3-6. 1980

Philosophical magazine/B
Vol. 39, H. 5, 1979

Vol. 42, H. 1,3-6, 1980

Photonics science news
Vol. 1, H. 2, 1995

Vol. 1998, H.2,3

Vol. 154, H. 1, 1988

Vol. 186, H. 3,4, 1992

Vol. 211, H. 1, 1994

Vol. 216. H. 4, 1995

Vol. 225, H. 1, 1996

Vol. 227, H. 3,4, 1996

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