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[InetBib] FRAGE: German DIN Documentation group

Hier leite ich eine Anfrage von Francisco Javier García Marco von der 
Spanischen ISKO weiter. Wer weiss, wer sich damit beschäftigt, kann Mr. García 
Marco vielleicht direkt antworten (in Englisch).

Mit freundlichen Gruessen,
With kind regards,
Sincères salutations,

H. Peter OHLY
IZ Sozialwissenschaften / Lennestr. 30 / 53113 BONN / Germany / Tel.:
+49-228-2281-142 / Fax.: +49-228-2281-4142 / mailto:oh@xxxxxxxxx /
http://www.gesis.org/SocioGuide / http://www.bonn.iz-soz.de/wiss-org

-----Original Message-----
From: Francisco Javier García Marco [mailto:jgarcia@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, February 09, 2007 6:10 PM
To: Ohly, H. Peter
Subject: German DIN Documentation group

Is any German of a DIN group in charge of thesauri?
There is a very interesting British initiative (BS8723) to reform ISO
2788 and ISO 5964 (Documentation - Guidelines for the establishment and 
development of multilingual thesauri)
and we are looking contacts to see if different countries are interested in a 
ISO 2788 and ISO 5964 revision working on those backgrounds.

Best regards,


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