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[InetBib] Fwd: Protest gegen Internetfilter in kanadischer öff. Bibl.

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

vielleicht interessant für Sie: Toni Samek verweist in der
Mailingliste JESSE auf den Protest der Faculty of Information and
Media Studies (FIMS) der University of Western Ontario gegen die
Ausdehnung eines Internetfilters von der Kinder- in die
Erwachsenenabteilung in der London Public Library
(http://www.londonpubliclibrary.ca/, nicht London in UK also).
Die Stellungnahme kann unter
http://www.fims.uwo.ca/news/internetfiltering-motion.pdf nachgelesen
werden, darin heißt es unter anderem:

"FIMS is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge about media,
communications, information technologies and library services. We are
committed to principles of intellectual rigour, creative exploration
and the ethics of information provision in service to the public.
We are sympathetic to concerns about the harm caused by violence and
pornography. However, expanding internet filtering software to block
access to content throughout the public library is a technological
solution that, in our view, is ill-suited to complex social problems.
We therefore respectfully call on the London Public Library Board to
reject the continued implementation of the Internet filtering

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Monika Bargmann

Listeninformationen unter http://www.inetbib.de.