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[InetBib] Press Release - DRIVER and eIFL.net sign Memorandum of Understanding

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DRIVER and eIFL.net sign Memorandum of Understanding

September 29, 2008

DRIVER and eIFL.net - Electronic Information for Libraries - have
identified demand for cooperation in order to progress and enhance the
provision, visibility and application of European research outputs
through digital repositories. 

DRIVER is a joint initiative of European stakeholders, co-financed by
the European Commission, to establish a flexible, robust, and scalable
infrastructure for all European and world-wide digital repositories,
managing scientific information in an Open Access model increasingly
demanded by researchers, funding organisations and other stakeholders.
DRIVER's mission is to expand its content base, supporting the global
research community with high quality research output, including textual
research papers and complex forms of scholarly electronic publication.

Rima Kupryte, Director of eIFL.net, said 'eIFL.net and DRIVER share the
vision that research institutions should contribute actively and
cooperatively to a global, interoperable, trusted and long-term data and
service infrastructure based on Open Access digital repositories. This
agreement includes joint approaches to consolidation of national
communities for the European repository network and active joint
dissemination of best practices of Open Access scholarly communication
in countries and regions without such formal policy.'

Norbert Lossau, Scientific Coordinator of DRIVER and Director of the
Goettingen State and University Library commented: "DRIVER can only be
successful through collaborating with all relevant stakeholders and by
including all countries. eIfL has an excellent track record in
supporting developing countries. Cooperation with eIFL will contribute
to the joint vision through an established communication network and
enthusiastic pioneers in many countries."

Further information:
Rima Kupryte, Director
Electronic Information for Libraries (eIFL.net)
c/o ADN Kronos, Piazza Mastai 9
00153 Rome, Italy
Tel: +(39)(06)5807216/17
E-mail: info@xxxxxxxx

Notes for Editors
eIFL.net is an international foundation that enables access to knowledge
through libraries, supports and advocates for the wide availability of
electronic resources in more than fifty transition and developing
countries. This global network embraces millions of users in Africa,
Asia, Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union and the Middle East.

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