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INSPEC nimmt elektronische Zeitschriften auf

Liebe ListenteilnehmerInnen,

im neuesten STN Newsletter "STNews" (Maerz 1996, S. 9) fand ich eine 
Nachricht darueber, dass in der Datenbank INSPEC seit 1996 auch elektronische
Zeitschriften ausgewertet werden. 

Da heisst es u.a.:

"During 1996, INSPEC will extend its coverage to include journals that are
available in electronic form. The type of electronic journals selected for
indexing will contain peer-reviewd articles that are permanently stored in 
an archive maintained by a publisher. 

Examples of journals that will be scanned for the database include _The
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research_, published by the AI Access
Foundation, and _TCAD (Technology Computer Aided Design)_, a forthcoming
publication of IEEE. 

Document Number and URLs will display in the source (SO) field. The 
Document Numbers will apply to wholly electronic journals, or electronic 
journals published in parallel to print, that give articles a unique number. 
Where they are believed to be stable, URLs will appear at the individual 
article level and at the level of the complete journal or electronic document 
collection.  [...]"

Viele Gruesse aus Muenchen

Uta Grothkopf
ESO Bibliothek

-------------^^^---\ v /---^^^-------------------------------------------
Uta Grothkopf				     E-Mail: esolib _at__ eso.org
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European Southern Observatory                Fax:   +49 89 320 23 62
Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2		     http://www.eso.org/libraries/
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