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Fwd: Call: TEN-Telecom also for libraries

Liebe KollegInnen,
die nachfolgende mitteilung von EBLIDA leite ich gerne an sie weiter:

> +++   Call: TEN-Telecom also for libraries   +++
> In the Official Journal  C79 of 14 March 1998 the European Commission
> published a "Call for Proposals for projects of common interest in the
> field of trans-European telecommunications networks - Generic Services and
> Applications". This could also be of interest to some of you. One of the
> possible project area are: TI 2.2. Trans-European telecommunication
> networks for access to Europe's cultural heritage. In the working programme
> this is explained a bit more detailed, here an abstract:
> "2.2. Trans-European Telecommunications Networks for Access to Europe's
>  Cultural Heritage 
> (Covers the projects of common interest of Annex I of the guidelines
> related to cultural and linguistic heritage, and the library services.) 
> Europe's museums and galleries hold the richest collection of objects, art
> and cultural wealth anywhere in the world, but much is not accessible to
> scholars and the public for various reasons such as lack of space, cost of
> travel, mobility problems and preservation issues. The development of a
> trans-European framework for electronic network access to museums and
> galleries is therefore of enormous cultural and commercial importance. A
> similar approach applies to libraries and contemporary cultural creation. 
> The Memorandum of Understanding on multimedia access to Europe's cultural
> heritage, which sector actors signed in June 1996, is a forum that creates
> the conditions for a coherent and balanced development of a multimedia
> cultural services market. It covers cooperation in the following areas:
> identification and description of standards enabling interoperability
> across different systems, identification of potential markets, awareness
> and stimulation, ownership and protection of intellectual property rights. 
> Initiatives should be launched to foster the access to the European
> cultural heritage by: 
> -   stimulating the deployment and use of commercial multimedia services, thus
> creating virtual museums and galleries. This includes assessing the
> commercial and financial viability of such projects; 
> -   supporting the development of digital cultural content providers and link
> with the business chain, in particular in relation to cultural tourism and
> auction organisations; 
> -   assessing the economic potential for intermuseum cooperation and networking
> on thematic multimedia exhibitions. 
> Trans-European advanced network for libraries should also be deployed to
> provide effective access to both the pool of organised knowledge and the
> cultural wealth held in the libraries across the Community, in support of
> the economic, social, educational and cultural life of the Community." 
> Deadline for project proposals: 14 June 1998. Further information at:
> http://www.echo.lu/tentelecom
> EBLIDA, Barbara Schleihagen, Director
> Heidi Grootscholten, EU Policy Officer
> P.O. Box 43300,  NL-2504 AH The Hague
> Tel: +31-70-309 06 08  Fax: +31-70-309 07 08
> email: eblida _at__ nblc.nl  http://www.kaapeli.fi/~eblida/
mfg   H.M.
Heinz Marloth, Seehofstrasse  15, D-60594 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Telefon: 069 - 61 23 94       eMail: marloth _at__ t-online.de
Ein Vorschlag, die deutschen BID-Ausbildungseinrichtungen untereinander 
und mit den verantwortlichen Ministerien in Bund und Ldndern sowie den 
Verbaenden und den einschlaegigen Instituten [z.B. dem DBI] zu vernetzen, 
damit der Nachwuchs vom ersten Semester an die einschlaegigen Vorhaben 
und Projekte kennenlernen und verfolgen und sich in der Anwendung der 
Moeglichkeiten von INTERNET ueben kann ("Saarbruecker Thesen") liegt 
seit fast zwei Jahren vor, ohne dass bisher das mindeste geschehen ist. 
Man zieht es vor, weiter in die Luft zu starren und in der Nase zu bohren.
Die uebrige Bibliothekswelt wirft dem Autor der Saarbruecker Thesen 
seitdem pausenlos vor, es fehle bei ihm an konstruktiven Ideen.

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