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Partner fXr EU-Projekt gesucht

Søren C. Hansen, Silkeborg Public Library,hat folgende Anfrage an das
DBI gerichtet. Es ist klar, daß auch das DBI an dieser Thematik
interessiert ist, aber Kollege Hansen wuerde sich sicherlich über
Hinweise auf potentielle deutsche oder europaeische Partner freuen.
Bitte beachten: Es sind keine Bibliotheken gefragt !

"In cooperation with our library system supplier (Danish Data
Electronics) we are developing a EU-project about Metadata. The other
library partner is Southampton Institute Library Services.

The project deals with the following (pre-screening description):

 * the libraries handling of Metadata, so that it will be possible for
 the intermediators and the end-users to perform simultaneous search in
 both local and global information ressources (agglomerated information
 * the libraries' getting  experience in adding Metadata to documents
 * utilizing the potential in Metadata for advanced methods for
 * to investigate the intermediators' and the end-users' estimates and
 views concerning these new and more efficient access to the information
 * to investigate the intermediators' and the end-users'  estimates and
 views concerning the user interfaces and functionalities,  which will
 developed in the project for a more effective access to the information

 The project will also cover:

1. developing the frames-based client for the purpose
2.  being able to "harvest"/find and handle library relevant Metadata,
containing links to documents which can be accessed via the Internet.
3.  Metadata handling regarding advanced subject search and navigating.
4.  exploiting the metadata by the libraries
5.  local adding of Metadata to documents at the libraries
6.  investigation of user views and estimations.

 We need a non-danish partner, not a library but a  research and
development institution  or company maybe interested in Metadata. Do you
know such an institution in Deutschland or  perhaps in Europe ?"

Søren C. Hansen
Silkeborg Bibliotek
Hostrupsgade 41A
8600 Silkeborg
Tlf. 86 82 02 33
mailto:schansen _at__ silkeborg.bib.dk

Hans-Peter Thun - Luisenstr.57 - 10117 Berlin - Tel. 030-231 19 421, Fax
mailto:thun _at__ dbi-berlin.de

Listeninformationen unter http://www.inetbib.de.