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Websearch - waermendes Zitat

"If you're relatively new to searching and get stuck, don't be hard on
yourself.  One of the most ridiculous misconceptions I've ever heard is
that "you can find anything on the Internet."  This is about as true as
saying that there are diamonds in every coal mine.

And though it may sound like heresy coming from someone who lives and
breathes web search, sometimes your best bet for finding information is
to log off and take a trip to your local library.  Libraries have tons
resources that aren't available on the Web.  And librarians are trained
experts who are usually more than willing to help you find what you're
looking for.  When you're getting nowhere on the Web, take advantage of
these (usually very nice) "human search engines.""

Aus: SearchDay - March 28, 2002 - Number 234

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