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Stellenausschreibung aus der MPG

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

anbei eine Stellenausschreibung aus der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft.

Ralf Schimmer

Job advertisement for the Executive Director of the Center for
Information Management in the Max Planck Society

The Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science (MPG;
http://www.mpg.de/english/) is a German research organization of high
international reputation. Its research activities cover fundamental
aspects of science and humanities in more than 80 specialized research
institutes. The management of scientific informa-tion within the
society is mainly the responsibility of each individual institute. To
keep pace with, and eventually play a leadership role in Europe in the
ongoing elec-tronic information revolution, the MPG has initiated a
5-year project to support re-searchers and research processes in the
area of information management. The objec-tives of the project include
co-ordination of existing activities within the MPG and implementation
of a strategy to develop "electronic research archives". The project,
entitled the Center for Information Management, will receive
substantial monetary and personnel support from the MPG, and will be
advised by a commission of MPG Institute directors and Rick Luce, the
Director of the Los Alamos National Labora-tory's "Library Without
Walls" (http://lib-www.lanl.gov/lww/welcome.html).

The MPG seeks a qualified candidate for the position of the Executive
Director of the Center for Information Management. Candidates should
have an intimate un-derstanding of the ongoing revolution in
electronic information management, and be experienced in the
development and use of electronic research tools. They should fur-ther
have extensive knowledge and expertise leading teams and development
efforts in database design and support, Unix server administration,
and Web applications. Candidates with a vision for the development of
information management structures and with the political skills to
implement their vision within the MPG are strongly encouraged to
apply. The director, who will report directly to the general secretary
of MPG, should have the ability to manage, lead and inspire an
international team of co-workers. A working knowledge of German would
be of advantage.

The MPG is an equal opportunities employer. Women are encouraged to
apply. When a disabled candidate and a non-disabled candidate are
equally qualified, the disabled candidate will be chosen. Salaries
will be competitive depending on qualifications (BAT 1 to C3). Social
benefits of the German public sector will apply. The MPG is known for
an efficient and flexible working environment. For further
information, see http://www.mpg.de/it/cim/cime.html.

Applicants should send their CVs and three references to: Zentrale
Dienste, General-verwaltung der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft,
Hofgartenstraße 8, D-80539 München, Germany (email: HR _at__ mpg-gv.mpg.de).
Please hand in your application in English by May 18th .

************* Dr. Ralf Schimmer ************************
Generalverwaltung der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
Hofgartenstr. 8    D-80539 Muenchen    Germany
Tel: +49 89 2108-2471   Fax: +49 89 2108-1565
************ schimmer _at__ mpg-gv.mpg.de **************

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