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Re: [InetBib] Lulu.com/Book-on-Demand und Pflichtexemplar

Am Dienstag, 14. November 2006 14:33 schrieb Klaus Graf

"Hallo? Seit wann hat die LoC ein Pflichtexemplarrecht??"

Sehr geehrter Herr Graf, um auf ihre Frage zu antworten:

Seit dem 1. Januar 1978 gibt es in den USA eine Reglung zum "Mandatory
Deposit of Copies or Phonorecords for the Library of Congress"

"On January 1, 1978, all works published with a notice of copyright in the
United States became subject to the mandatory deposit requirements of the
United States Copyright Act (title 17, United States Code). These
requirements are similar to the ?legal deposit? or ?depot legal? laws in
effect in other countries."

Dafür zuständig ist das bei der LoC angesiedelte Copyright Office.

Das Mandatory Reposit bedeutet das: 

"All works under copyright protection that are published in the United
States are subject to the mandatory deposit provision of the copyright law. 

This law requires that two copies of the best edition of every copyrightable
work published in the United States be sent to the Copyright Office within 3
months of publication. 

The law also requires that the deposit be made automatically. 

Mandatory deposit also applies to foreign works at the point where they are
published in the United States through the distribution of copies that are
either imported or are part of an American edition."

Es ist also durchaus inhaltlich vergleichbar mit dem deutschen

Mehr Informationen hierzu finden sie unter http://www.copyright.gov/ bzw.
speziell zum Mandatory Deposit unter

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Bénédict Ripperger (M.A.)

Listeninformationen unter http://www.inetbib.de.