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[InetBib] IF Seminar Librarianship today

liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

am 22. Mai 2014 vergibt die Initiative Fortbildung in Kooperation mit der 
Checkpoint Charlie Stiftung desn John Jacob Astor Award in LIS an Maureen 
Sullivan, Immediate Past President of the American Library Asscociation.
Maureen Sullivan ‚bedankt‘ sich mit einem Seminar am 23. Mai dafuer

Librarianship today: turning challenges into opportunities
Ort: Berlin, ZLB

Ausnahmsweise finden Sie hier am Ende der mail das ausfuehrliche Programm der 
Bitte richten Sie Ihre Anmeldungen direkt an Frau Evelin Morgenstern

Mit freundlichen Gruessen
petra zimmermann
Die Veranstaltung findet in amerikanischer Sprache statt, entsprechend erfolgt 
seine seine Ankündigung:
Today’s information specialists face many challenges as the world continues to 
change and as libraries confront new expectations from many sources. Today’s 
information specialist is expected to be effective in the larger community and 
to be adept within the organization. To cope with this situation, they have to 
discover, develop and promote the leader within themselves. This is as 
important for the “solo” professional as it is for the information professional 
in a larger organization. There are two general types of leaders today: those 
who lead because they hold positions in which this is expected and those who 
lead because they take opportunities to do so.  Maureen Sullivan will engage 
participants in this programme in a careful exploration of how to turn 
challenges into opportunities. Among the topics to be addressed are: how to 
adopt a positive attitude of curiosity and possibility about the future; 
principles and practices of adaptive leadership; effective ways to engage and 
inspire others; how to become a resonant leader; and practical steps to sustain 
your effectiveness. Participants will leave with a renewed sense of their 
capacity to be effective and with a set of practical steps they can take to be 
more effective in their organizations.

Working Agenda 

What are the key challenges today?

Where are the opportunities?

 ·      As we reflect on the challenges, what opportunities can we identify?

 ·      Given these opportunities, what are some of our aspirations for the 

Why information specialists need to have an attitude of possibility and 

·      What the research tells us about the effect of the leader’s beliefs and 
attitudes on performance

·      What motivates people at work? What are the key factors in performance?

·      What motivates me? What are my passions?

Introduction to Two Practical, Useful Models of Leadership: Adaptive Leadership 
and Resonant Leadership

·      Key principles and practices of each approach

·      What practical applications does each offer?

Engaging and Inspiring Others to Contribute Their Best

·      Gaining and sustaining commitment

·      Influencing and inspiring others to contribute their best

Becoming a More Effective Leader and Professional

·      Developing a personal plan

·      Building on strengths

·      Steps to sustaining effectiveness

Mit Raum für Pausen/Networking!

H f G   Hochschul- und Museumsbibliothek  Z K M
Petra Zimmermann, Dipl.Bibl., Leiterin der Bibliothek
Lorenzstr. 19, 76135 Karlsruhe
Fon: +49 721 8100 1705, Fax: +49 721 8100 1709
E-mail: pzim@xxxxxx, Skype: pzim-zkm-bib


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