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[InetBib] Fwd: Extended Deadline Workshop on Knowledge Organisation and Semantic Web

  *Workshop on Knowledge Organization and Semantic Web*

*In conjunction with Semantics 2014*

*Leipzig, September 1st.*

<http://wordpress.isko-de.org/kosem-2014/> *


*Important Dates*

Paper submission deadline: July  28, 2014 (Extended Deadline)
Notification of acceptance:  August 7, 2014
Camera ready due: August 14, 2014
Workshop date: September 1, 2014



Knowledge organization is a discipline with a long standing tradition.
Traditional knowledge organization focusses on the description and
organization of knowledge in libraries, archives, databases, scientific
domains, etc. With modern communication techniques users expect knowledge
to be available and instantly accessible from different sources, different
disciplines and different sectors of society. Thus traditional knowledge
organization is confronted with new requirements regarding structured and
flexible knowledge representations that support knowledge discovery from
disparate sources and inferencing over the many pieces of information. This
requires also syntactic and semantic interoperability.

The goal of the Semantic Web is precisely to connect knowledge from
different sources. Thus knowledge organization and Semantic Web
technologies must be complementary and rely on each other. Moreover,
formalisms, like OWL and RDF, that have their roots in the Semantic Web,
have, for now, become standards for knowledge representation.

The workshop aims at improving the exchange of ideas between the different
communities involved in the research on knowledge organization and the
Semantic Web. Our goal is to bring together researchers and practitioners
that are working on theoretical and practical issues related to knowledge
organization, interoperability of knowledge sources, linked data, and the
Semantic Web, in order to initiate discussions on the different
requirements and challenges coming with global availability of data
sources. The workshop thus might contribute to the identification of future
research directions and foster the development of the discipline known as
knowledge organization.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited, to the following aspects:

   - Knowledge Representation and Data Modeling for the Semantic Web
   - Organization of Linked Data
   - Knowledge Organization Systems for Knowledge Discovery in Very Large
   Datasets (big data)
   - Knowledge Organization Systems for Understanding, Sensemaking, and
   Learning by People
   - Knowledge Organization Systems for Understanding, Sensemaking, and
   Learning by Systems
   - Knowledge Representation
   - Classification Schemes, Taxonomies, and Categorization Schemes
   - Thesauri, Semantic Networks and Ontologies
   - Engineering and Management Aspects of Knowledge Organization
   - Knowledge Modeling and Engineering
   - Organization of Unstructured Information
   - Web Indexing and Social Tagging
   - Automatic Categorization and Indexing
   - Intelligent Information Extraction, Generic or Domain-specific
   - Knowledge exchange, standardization and interoperability
   - Knowledge Organization for the Future.

Accepted papers might be published online in a volume of the *CEUR workshop

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