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[InetBib] Reminder: "Information Science Trends: Search Engines and Information Retrieval", Hamburg, 26 April 2019

We still have a few places available for ASIST’s Hamburg event:

"Information Science Trends: Search Engines and Information Retrieval", 
Hamburg, 26 April 2019 

Join us for a day of exciting talks and discussions on search engines and 
information retrieval!

(Free) registration is now open for the ASIS&T European Chapter event 
“Information Science Trends: Search Engines and Information Retrieval” in 
Hamburg, Germany, on Friday, 26 April 2019.

Please register at

The event will take place at
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Kunst- und Mediencampus Hamburg
Finkenau 35
22081 Hamburg


9:30 AM

10:00 AM
Welcome and opening remarks

10:15 AM
Prof. Olof Sundin, Lund University, Sweden
Invisible Search in Everyday Life
How can we understand search and search engines in everyday life? In his 
lecture Sundin will introduce and discuss some key concepts from his  new book 
Invisible Search and Online Search Engines: The Ubiquity of Search in Everyday 
Life (2019, with Jutta Haider); specifically he will elucidate the notions 
friction of relevance and infrastructural meaning-making. The lecture broadens 
a traditional understanding of searching in information science by locating 
searching squarely in society and as entwined with the conditions of everyday 

11:30 AM
Dirk Lewandowski, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
A call for fair search engines
Search engines like Google have a massive influence on what information users 
get to see, and on what search results users select. It has been often lamented 
that search engines are biased. I, however, argue that we have only scratched 
the surface because search engine bias is a multifaceted concept and the 
discussion usually solely focuses on some aspects. Further to giving an 
overview of the topic, I will show how search engine providers (and regulators) 
can take steps towards making search fair. Whereas a bias-free search engine is 
impossible, a fair search is. Here, I will not only focus on the big web search 
engines but also on how developers and product owners can make their search 
systems fair.

12:30 PM

1:30 PM
Emmy Le, Otto GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg, Germany
Product Search at otto.de
OTTO is one of the largest full-range online retailer in Germany with over 2.9 
million products. Thus the internal on-site product search with more than 1 
million search queries per day is the most critical feature to make relevant 
products and information easy to find. Achieving the right balance between 
business, measuring search quality and user needs can be quite challenging when 
building an ecommerce search engine. How we at OTTO respond to these challenges 
will be part of this talk.

02:15 PM
Short presentations

Astrid Mager, Institute of Technology Assessment, Wien, Austria
Alternative search engines as drivers for social change?

Ingo Knuth, Janina Masuhr, Hochschule für Medien, Kommunikation und Wirtschaft, 
Berlin, Germany
Decision Drivers for Search Engine Usage – The Role of the Lock-in Effects

Christiane Behnert, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Influences on the relevance judgment process in academic search systems

More short presentations tba.

04:00 PM
Coffee Break

4:30 PM
ASIS&T presentation: ASIS&T, the European Chapter, the European Student Chapter

04:45 PM
Tom Alby, Euler Hermes, Hamburg, Germany
Data Science in Search Engine Development
Machine Learning has been an essential part of large-scale search engine 
development even before the term "data science" was coined. With the increasing 
interest in data science and artificial intelligence, the impact of 
self-learning algorithms on search engine development, relevance and 
transparency has to be reviewed. In addition, what is the chance for new search 
engines to succeed without the vast amount of data that has already been 

05:45 PM
Closing remarks 

Prof. Dr. Dirk Lewandowski

T +49 40 428 75 36 21
Skype: dirk.lewandowski
Twitter: @Dirk_Lew
Faculty Design, Media and Information
Department of Information
Finkenau 35  / 22081 Hamburg  / Germany

Suchmaschinen verstehen, 2. Auflage:

Editor, Aslib Journal of Information Management

Listeninformationen unter http://www.inetbib.de.