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PhD Position Opening in Digital Library research

 Below you'll find an announcement of a  PhD position opening in Digital 
Library research in Lund/Sweden. If you are not interested personally please 
forward this to other interested parties.

PhD Position Opening at Department of Information Technology, Lund
Institute of Technology, Sweden (http://www.it.lth.se/)
This position is funded for a period of 3 years.

A PhD position is available to conduct research within the field of
Digital Libraries.  The student will join a newly started
interdisciplinary Digital Library project with participants from Dept. of
Information Technology (Anders Ardö), NetLab(*), Lund University Library
(Traugott Koch) and BTJ(**) (Michael Ovnell). 

The project involves areas like
 * architectural implementation aspects on a distributed,
   multi-layered Digital Library
 * interaction between components and architecture in a
   distributed Digital Library
 * integration of heterogeneous resources
 * data mining, information retrieval, artificial intelligence
 * semi-intelligent information search agent with Web harvesting,
   automatic subject classification, text categorization
 * subject specific search engines
 * user interface aspects

Main focus is to improve resource discovery methodology with the help
of techniques from different areas like semantic web (including
thesauri, ontologies, etc) and computer science/engineering.
Experimental facilities include a Linux cluster with some 10 computers
and a fast Internet connection.

The specific area for this position will be adapted to the applicants
interests and skills.

The applicant should have a relevant education, typically a master
degree in computer engineering, computer science, informatics,
library science, information retrieval, computational linguistics or
similar. Experience with Digital Library problems and/or computer
engineering/science is an advantage.

More information will appear at http://www.it.lth.se/anders/research/

Contact Anders Ardö, anders _at__ it.lth.se for more information.

A preliminary expression of interest should include a short
description of your research interest, why you are interested in the
work, and a CV. The working language could be Swedish or English.

(*) NetLab - http://www.lub.lu.se/netlab/ - is the Research and
    Development Department at Lund University Libraries.

(**) BTJ - http://www.btj.se/ - develops, refines and supplies information
     services and media products to libraries, booksellers, publishers,
     companies and institutions. 

Best regards
--------   Anders Ardö
Department of Information Technology,   Lund University
Tel: +46 46 2227522   URL: http://www.it.lth.se/anders/

| TRAUGOTT KOCH, Senior librarian, Digital Library Scientist  
| NETLAB, Knowledge Technologies Group. Lund Univ. Libraries 
| P.O. Box 134.  S-221 00  Lund, Sweden                       
| Tel: int+46 46 2229233    Fax: int+46 46 2223682            
| E-mail: traugott.koch _at__ ub2.lu.se                             
| Personal homepage: http://www.lub.lu.se/koch.html           

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