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Yahoo vs. Google; hier: Kooperation mit OCLC

Liebe LeserInnen von INETBIB,
aus den OCLC Abstracts von November 15, 2004 entnehme ich folgende

OCLC and Yahoo! provide the ability to search the Web and the richest
database of items in libraries with a co-branded toolbar

OCLC, the world's largest library cooperative, and Yahoo! Inc., a leading
global Internet company, today announced a pilot program that leverages
the strength of the Yahoo! Toolbar and Yahoo! Search to enable consumers
to explore the Web and WorldCat, the OCLC Online Union Catalog. The
program offers information consumers a co-branded toolbar that provides
one-click access to 2 million of the most popular records found in
WorldCat, a central catalog of library holdings created and maintained
collectively by more than 9,000 libraries.

The Yahoo!/OCLC toolbar, which can be downloaded from OCLC's Web site, is
a project associated with Open WorldCat, a new OCLC initiative designed to
increase the online visibility of libraries and their collections. The
toolbar enables consumers to limit search results to WorldCat records and
helps them locate libraries in their vicinity that have the item they are
looking for.


  Mit freundlichem Gruss

   Mario Kowalak

   Freie Universitaet Berlin     Mario Kowalak
   Informationszentrum und
   Garystrasse 39                Tel: (030) 838-54227/-54273
   14195 Berlin                  E-Mail: kowalak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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