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[Fwd: ZDNet Launches New E-Business Channel]

Hallo zusammen,
anbei eine Seite von ZD-net. Habe nur kurz 'reingeschaut, scheint in
Teilen ganz interessant zu sein. Gruesse, gsb
* Gisela Sledge-Broeckerhoff			*
* Stadt- u. Universitaetsbibliothek Frankfurt	*		
* Bockenheimer Landstr. 134			*
* D-60325 Frankfurt/M.				*
* Tel.: 069/212 39356 Fax: 069/212 39062	*
* e-mail: sledge _at__ stub.uni-frankfurt.de		*

--- Begin Message ---
   ZDNET ANNOUNCEMENT         7/23/98

_______ZDNet Launches the New E-Business Channel______________

ZDNet has joined forces with Internet Computing magazine to
create the new E-Business Channel.


It's ZDNet's megasite on Internet commerce and communications
covering all the topics from marketing, retailing and transactions
to security, privacy and legal issues. E-Business coverage
includes the latest news, trends, surveys and research data, case
studies and e-business technology reviews.

And tune in each and every day to get the Daily Stat for interesting
and useful statistics on industry trends:  who's online, what are
they doing, what will they be doing in the future, how much are they
spending on internet technologies and much much more.

Turn on ZDNet's newest channel today!


ZDNet Announcements are periodic notices of new features, special
events and free offers available to members of ZDNet.

 --To subscribe to ZDNet Announcements, please send mail to:
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 --To unsubscribe to ZDNet Announcements, please send mail to:
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--- End Message ---

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