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"Ariadne": Web magazine of Internet issues for librarians, launched

Endlich ist eine in Europa publizierte elektronische Zeitschrift (mit
gedruckter Parallelausgabe) fuer Internet interessierte Bibliothekare
erschienen: ARIADNE.

Auch wenn sie sich in erster Linie an unsere Kollegen in Grossbritannien
richtet, sind Beitraege aus anderen Laendern willkommen.
Keine langen Beschreibungen (abgesehen von der, kuerzest denkbaren,
weiter unten), man muss sie gesehen -und gelesen- haben!

Wir wollen hoffen, dass in anderen europaeischen Laendern bald
Schwesterpublikationen auftauchen.

Adresse: http://ukoln.bath.ac.uk/ariadne/
"Haeft" 1 ist soeben erschienen: http://ukoln.bath.ac.uk/ariadne/issue1/

Baeste Gruesse,
Traugott Koch

Ariadne: a print and Web magazine
of Internet issues for librarians and
information specialists

The University of Abertay Dundee and the UK Office
for Library and Information Networking

The University Library of the University of Abertay Dundee and the UK
Office for Library and Information Networking (UKOLN) have been funded
to publish a bi-monthly newsletter in parallel hard copy and electronic 
format for use over the World Wide Web. The newsletter will be aimed 
primarily at subject librarians and other working librarians in academic 
libraries, and will have two aims. It will describe and evaluate sources 
and services available on the Internet of potential use to librarians and 
information professionals. It will also report to the library community 
at large on progress and developments within the Electronic Libraries 
Programme of FIGIT and ISSC information services, keeping the busy 
practitioner abreast of current developments.
| TRAUGOTT KOCH,    Electronic information services librarian         |
|  LUND UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, Development Department NetLab,            |
|  P.O. Box 3.  S-221 00  Lund, Sweden                                |
| Tel: int+46 46 2229233    Fax: int+46 46 2223682 or 2224422         |
| E-mail (Internet): traugott.koch _at__ ub2.lu.se                          |
| URL:<A HREF="http://www.ub2.lu.se/person_tk.html";>Traugott Koch</A>,|
|<A HREF="http://www.ub2.lu.se/";>"Lund Univ. Electronic Library"</A>  |

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