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[Stellenausschreibung] Director of Multimedia and Information Resources, Bremen

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Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Sabine Rauchmann


Founded on February 11, 1999 International University Bremen is an
independent institution for the advancement of education, research,
international leadership and global citizenship. Its guiding principles are
excellence, internationality and transdisciplinarity.

International University Bremen (IUB) 
invites nominations and applications for the position of

Director of Multimedia and Information Resources

Reporting to the Council of Academic Deans, the Director is the Chief
Information Resource Officer of the University with oversight over the
modern as well as traditional instructional and research library functions
at IUB. The successful candidate will hold solid credentials in the
management of a complex and technologically sophisticated information
resource environment.

Specific qualifications include the following:

- Expertise in dealing with a multi-faceted research library with particular
emphasis on electronic publications of all kinds, electronic media,
multi-media concepts and electronic data and literature banks.
- A vision of how to make IUB a national and international player in the
field of academic information resource development.
- A thorough understanding of the transformational potential of digital
technology in the conduct of research.
- Evidence of skills in forming partnerships, collaborations, and coalitions
of relevant organizations to promote the mission of the Information Resource
Center (IRC) and IUB. 
- Ability to motivate staff, focus their intellectual energy, and inspire
new thinking.
- Demonstrated success in a collaborative environment, particularly in a
multicultural setting. 
- Excellent oral and written skills, including fluency in English and
reading fluency in German. 

This position is a particularly attractive opportunity for a creative
individual to make a significant contribution to the further development of

IUB has established a library operation geared toward the specific
instructional and research needs of its students and faculty. At the same
time, the IUB campus has been equipped with an initial information
infrastructure and an array of networked resources to accommodate the
growing communication needs of the university community. The new director
will face the challenge jointly with the Chief Information Technology
Officer of guiding the IRC forward in response to the rapidly evolving
information resource structures and to the expanding educational needs of
the institution. For further information please view www.iu-bremen.de

Applications and nominations will be accepted until May 31, 2005. Please
submit your application to the address below to the attention of Prof. Dr.
Max Kaase. You can also send your application electronically to
mk@xxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:mk@xxxxxxxxxxxx>.

International University Bremen
P.O. Box 750 561
28725 Bremen

Sabine Rauchmann, Dipl.-Bibl. (FH)
Technical Services Librarian 
Information Resource Center

International University Bremen GmbH
Campus Ring 1
D-28759 Bremen

Fon: +49 (0)421 200 4612
Fax: +49 (0)421 200 49 4612
Email: s.rauchmann@xxxxxxxxxxxx 

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