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[InetBib] Workshop 25.4. "From Reproducibility to Pre-registrations: Broadening Open Science in University Libraries to Support Researchers"

Liebe Kolleg*innen,

am 25. April, 11:00-12:00 Uhr, bieten Dr. David Philip Morgan und Dr. Philipp 
Zumstein (Universität Mannheim) einen kostenlosen Online-Kurzworkshop an zum 
Thema "From Reproducibility to Pre-registrations: Broadening Open Science in 
University Libraries to Support Researchers".
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Herzliche Grüße
Johannes Klein, für das Team von bwWeiterbildung

Conventional areas of Open Science within university libraries typically 
include support for Open Access publications and Open Data. However, 
researchers face new challenges with respect to Open Science. Namely, many 
fields in research have identified issues whereby published peer-reviewed 
findings are not reproducible. In response, researchers have devised curative 
workflows to mitigate poor researcher practices which may contribute to such 
issues, including pre-registrations and registered reports. But what are 
pre-registrations and registered reports and how do they combat issues of 
reproducibility beyond classical aspects of Open Science such as Open Access 
publication and Open Data? Here we outline what reproducibility means in the 
context of a reproducibility crisis, outline pre-registrations and registered 
reports and discuss how libraries can help researchers with reproducibility.
The workshop will be in English.

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