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[InetBib] ECIR2019: Deadline Extension Doctoral Consortium

Dear colleagues,

See the following deadline extension for the ECIR 2019 Doctoral Consortium.
Please circulate to interested colleagues and students.

Best, Philipp Mayr
Dr. Philipp Mayr
Team Leader

GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8,  D-50667 Köln, Germany
Tel: + 49 (0) 221 / 476 94 -533
Email: philipp.mayr@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:philipp.mayr@xxxxxxxxx>
Web: http://www.gesis.org<http://www.gesis.org/>

General Co-Chair of 41st ECIR 2019

*** The deadline for submitting to the Doctoral Consortium is extended to 31 
December 2018 (AoE time zone) ***

The ECIR 2019 Doctoral Consortium is an excellent forum for PhD students to 
discuss their research ideas with world-class researchers in the area of 
information retrieval.

The consortium will take place on 14th April 2019 with the following procedure:
Student presentations are followed by discussions and individual meetings with 
established information retrieval researchers who are members of the Doctoral 
Consortium Committee (also called "mentors").
There are great opportunities for networking over lunch and later on during the 
day and other possible activities may be introduced according to the topics of 
the accepted submissions.
A selected submission will be given "best doctoral consortium paper award", 
which will be decided by the doctoral consortium committee.

Prospective candidates for the Doctoral Consortium

Students who have recently completed their research proposal, or about to do so 
are welcome to submit their contribution to the consortium. The greatest 
benefit will be achieved for those students that have recently scoped their PhD 
topic in the information retrieval area.

Candidates for the Doctoral Consortium will be selected based on the potential 
of their research for future impact on the field of Information Retrieval and 
the likely benefit to the student of participating in the Consortium. The 
submitted paper will be the basis for detailed discussions at the Consortium.

Submission Guidelines

The submission may contain previously-published material, as well as ongoing 
work. Doctoral students who submit to the Consortium are welcome to submit 
other papers or posters to ECIR 2019.
The submission has two parts. The first part, a research statement, should be 
no more than six (6) pages long. It will be the basis for detailed discussions 
at the Consortium, and should include:

  *   Motivation for the proposed research.
  *   Background and related work (including key references).
  *   Description of proposed research, including main research questions.
  *   Research methodology and proposed experiments (where appropriate).
  *   Specific research issues for discussion at the Doctoral Consortium.

The second part, limited to one (1) page, describes benefits that would be 
obtained by attending the Consortium. It should be added as an appendix to the 
research statement and include:

  *   A statement by the student saying why they want to attend the Consortium.
  *   A brief statement (1 paragraph) by their advisor saying how the student 
would benefit by attending the Consortium. Advisors should also specifically 
state whether the student has written, or is close to completing, a thesis 
proposal (or equivalent), and when they expect the student would defend their 
dissertation if they progress at a typical rate.

Students are also welcome to submit (preliminary) experimental work. With such 
submissions, students might seek feedback on their methodology and/or results.

Format Requirements
All submissions must be written in English following the ECIR 
and the LNCS author 
 and submitted electronically through 

The first page must contain the title of the paper, full author name, 
affiliation and contact details and an abstract of up to 250 words.
Submissions will be reviewed by the members of the Doctoral Consortium 

Accepted Papers
Students accepted to the Consortium will have the option of publishing a 4-page 
extended abstract summarizing their research in the full ECIR conference 
Key Dates
Deadline: 17th December 2018,  extended 31 December 2018
Notification: 11th January 2019
Doctoral Consortium: 14th April 2019

Doctoral Consortium Co-Chairs (dc@xxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:dc@xxxxxxxxxxxx>)
Ahmet Aker
Dimitar Dimitrov
Zeljko Carevic

LINK: https://ecir2019.org/call-for-doctoral-consortium-papers


Dr. Dipl.-Inf. Ahmet Aker MScEng  Street Address:

Information Engineering           Lotharstr. 65

Department of Computational       47057 Duisburg

and Cognitive Science             fon:  +49 203 379-3401

University of Duisburg-Essen      room: LF 137

47048 Duisburg                    mail: 

Germany                           web:  

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