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[InetBib] Fwd: Knowledge Rights 21 - Launch Event July 15th - Invitation To Webinar and Drinks

*Von:* Benjamin White <copyrighteu@xxxxxxxxx>
*Gesendet:* 2. Juli 2021 11:18:12 MESZ
*An:* Benjamin White <copyrighteu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
*Betreff:* Knowledge Rights 21 - Launch Event July 15th - Invitation To
Webinar and Drinks

Dear Friends and Colleagues

Most of you will have heard from me over the last 16 months about the
Arcadia funded project focussing on education and research in Europe.

The good news is we are /finally/ launching on July 14th with a press
release, and then in earnest on the 15th at 15:00 CET with a webinar -
"eBook Licensing in Europe and the Vanishing Library?" (We may put out a
press release on the 14th - TBC).

Please find information on the webinar here
includingregistration (which is required) - if you were able to join us
for the event and / or for (self-provided) drinks from 16:30 CET to
celebrate with us the launch that would be wonderful.

For some general information on eBooks and KR21 - recently published by
the UK library association CILIP - please see the article here:


Please find some more information about the project below.

If you would be kind enough to promote the event and KR21 through your
channels and social media would be very grateful.

We look forward to working with you all!

Kind regards


KR21 will be advocating for a 21st century copyright environment across
Europe that is friendly to the modern delivery and use of education and
research materials as well as the spread of culture and heritage in the
digital age.

With a focus on evidence and capacity building, our goal is to achieve
and implement reforms to copyright law and practice that enable
knowledge institutions to provideunhinderedaccess to copyright works for
education and research purposes.

Working with public, national, educational, health and research
libraries, universities and the wider access to knowledge movement, we
aim to build networks and promote copyright reform at the European and
national levels, and through our work leave a lasting legacy that
influences similar developments elsewhere in the world.

We shall work in the following key areas:

●Facilitating fair access to e-books for users of public, national,
educational and research libraries;

●Protecting users’ rights under copyright legislation from contract
override and technological protection measures that undermine statutory
exceptions to copyright;

●Promoting the case for the introduction of open and flexible copyright
norms in Europe to aid research, teaching and learning;

●Advocating for a legislated scholarly publication / secondary
publishing right in laws;

●Accelerating the uptake of author rights retention activities and open
licensingin Europe.

https://twitter.com/Knowledge21org <https://twitter.com/Knowledge21org>


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